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How to Keep Your Ameraucana Chickens Healthy and Happy During the Winter Months

Tyler Farm

Ameraucana chickens are truly remarkable birds, known not only for their strikingly colorful feathers that can range from blue to black, and wheaten to splash, but also for their inherently gentle and friendly nature. These charming creatures are not just a delight to observe; they also require special attention and care, particularly during the colder months, to ensure that they remain healthy, happy, and thriving. In this discussion, we will delve into the essential aspects of caring for Ameraucana chickens during winter, focusing on their warmth, nutrition, health, and overall well-being.

Ameraucana hen

Keeping Them Warm and Safe:

  • One of the first steps in ensuring the comfort of your Ameraucana chickens is to effectively block the wind around their coop. This can be accomplished by erecting sturdy fences, hanging tarps, or even utilizing evergreen trees that can act as natural windbreaks. The goal is to create a sheltered environment where they can feel secure from harsh weather conditions.

  • It is crucial to inspect the coop for any drafts that could compromise the warmth inside. Carefully seal up any holes or cracks that could allow cold air to seep in, as even the smallest openings can lead to significant heat loss. This attention to detail will contribute greatly to their comfort during frigid temperatures.

  • To maintain a warm and dry environment within the coop, consider using ample bedding materials such as straw, wood shavings, or shredded paper. These materials not only provide insulation but also help absorb moisture, which is particularly important in preventing dampness that can lead to health issues.

  • Providing adequate roosting bars is another vital aspect of keeping your Ameraucana chickens warm at night. Chickens naturally seek higher perches to sleep, as these locations tend to be warmer. Ensure that the roosting bars are positioned at a suitable height and are sturdy enough to support your birds comfortably.



  • In extreme cold conditions, it may become necessary to introduce additional heat sources to the coop. Options such as heat lamps or specially designed heaters can be effective, but it is imperative to exercise caution to prevent fire hazards. Always ensure that any heating device is securely installed and monitored regularly.

  • While maintaining warmth is essential, it is equally important to ensure that there is adequate ventilation in the coop. Fresh air circulation helps prevent the buildup of moisture, which can lead to respiratory issues. Striking a balance between warmth and ventilation is key to keeping your chickens healthy.

bird feed

Food and Water:

  • During the winter months, chickens require an increased caloric intake to help them maintain their body temperature. Consider supplementing their diet with extra corn or specialized chicken scratch, which provides the necessary energy boost. This dietary adjustment is crucial for their overall health during colder weather.

  • Another critical aspect of winter care is ensuring that your chickens have access to unfrozen water. Utilizing heated water bowls can be an effective solution, but it's also important to regularly check and change the water to prevent freezing. Hydration is vital for their health, especially in winter.

  • Additionally, providing grit is essential for their digestive health, particularly if you are incorporating more whole grains into their diet. Grit aids in the digestion process, allowing your chickens to break down food more effectively and absorb nutrients.


  • The shorter days of winter can lead to a decrease in egg production, as chickens typically require a certain amount of light to stimulate laying. To counteract this, consider adding supplemental lighting to their coop. This additional light can help maintain their laying patterns, ensuring a steady supply of fresh eggs.

Special Things for Ameraucanas:

  • Given their fluffy feathers, Ameraucana chickens require particular attention to airflow within their coop. Good ventilation is essential to prevent moisture buildup, which can lead to health issues, especially in birds with dense plumage.

  • Ameraucanas are generally calm and docile birds, which means they may not be as active in seeking warmth as more energetic breeds. It’s important to keep a close watch on their behavior and activity levels, ensuring they are staying warm and comfortable during the colder months.

By taking the necessary steps to care for your Ameraucana chickens throughout the winter, you will not only help them remain healthy and content, but you may also encourage them to continue laying eggs even in challenging weather conditions. Always be attentive to their needs and make adjustments as necessary to provide the best possible environment for your feathered friends.


Tyler Farm
Felton, DE 19943
(302) 505-7352 (Text only please)
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